Saturday, January 23, 2010


I accomplish a wide variety of tasks for my clients.

Yesterday, for example, I compiled and shipped all the artwork and paperwork necessary for 3 Art Festivals, discussed logistics for the upcoming Seattle Boat Show Art Gallery,, cleaned & fueled a vehicle, met with 2 colleagues to discuss new clients, shopped for a weeks worth of groceries (and put them away), delivered lunch, and organized cupboards.

As you can see, some of my duties are more glamorous than others :o) But busy people often utilize me to assist in everyday chores so they can work harder and longer to make the big bucks.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog Nancy. Any artist, new or old would be crazy to not follow this blog.


About Me

My photo
Seattle, Washington, United States
As a Personal Assistant Pro, my responsibilities are many and varied. Let me give you 3 brief examples of previous positions: * My experience with Studio 60/40, required self motivation, excellent communication skills, and attention to all the details necessary for running the business aspects of a busy professional artist; * At A Class Act Gallery, I offered friendly, courteous customer service, and organized numerous special events designed to introduce artistic personalities to new and existing patrons. * With Ray’s Boathouse, my responsibilities included managing dining room and bar staff, as well as working closely with kitchen and maintenance staff. These are but a few examples of my abilities. Being excellent at interpersonal skills, and exhibiting a friendly “can-do” attitude, I have been successful at meeting and exceeding expectations.