Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Personal Assistant Pro - I can help you!

1 comment:

  1. Cool poster Nancy! You need to add personal shopper to your list of "can do" with your sense of fashion, you would be great picking out outfits for people, or shopping for baby shower, birthday party, or wedding gifts for them. Or picking out school clothes for the kids, because hello...... you've "been there, done that"


About Me

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Seattle, Washington, United States
As a Personal Assistant Pro, my responsibilities are many and varied. Let me give you 3 brief examples of previous positions: * My experience with Studio 60/40, required self motivation, excellent communication skills, and attention to all the details necessary for running the business aspects of a busy professional artist; * At A Class Act Gallery, I offered friendly, courteous customer service, and organized numerous special events designed to introduce artistic personalities to new and existing patrons. * With Ray’s Boathouse, my responsibilities included managing dining room and bar staff, as well as working closely with kitchen and maintenance staff. These are but a few examples of my abilities. Being excellent at interpersonal skills, and exhibiting a friendly “can-do” attitude, I have been successful at meeting and exceeding expectations.